Friday, October 24, 2008


Hsve I ever told you how beautiful my girlfriend is? Ther is really only one word that can describe her. The word is perfection. Her hair is so golden and soft as silk. The shape of her face looks as if it were drawn by an artist. Her smile is so powerful it silences the world every time she is happy.

My glory days are going to be absolutely amazing. I will never be happier than when I get married and start a family. I am still very young but it is something that I have always looked forward to. The love and affection that a family can have is just amazing and I can't wait to enjoy it with a family of my own.

One interesting thing with my family is that it seems as if there are two teams. There is the team of stick up rich people and the under dog down to earth middly class people. It is miserable hanging out with the rich side because it is so awkward and they don't make you feel comfortable. They are proof that money can't buy happiness because they always seem to be unhappy. Being with the other side is just so much fun because they are loud and just make everyone comfortable.

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